Thursday 26 December 2013

Sullivan Farms

Sullivan farms was a bit of a change of pace and definitely different to the other enterprises I had visited. Sullivan's is very much s an operation based upon cows and cow family's. the majority f calves are born via embryo transfer and also IVF technology. They sex embryos prior to implant in order t get a majority females calves which suits their major market of show heifers. In 2013 they calved down 900 calves of which 30 were males. Sullivan farms sell in excess of 300 females at auction per year of which 200 are broken in. The auctions are further supported by a substantial amount of private treaty sales.

Straight Limousin

Straight Limousin is owned and ran by the Straight family at Logan, IA. They calve down approx 200 calves per year with a substantial embryo transfer and artificial insemination programs. They sell commercial bulls throughout Iowa. They are increasing the number of limflex in there program to align with the requests of there commercial clients. Straights are retaining a purebred component of the business and have sold numerous bulls as stud and AI sires.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Wulf Cattle - Sandy Ridge Ranch

Sandy Ridge Ranch is the seedstock development and main residency of the seedstock cowherd for Wulf Cattle, it is located outside of Atkinson, NE. The property is remarkable in its own right due to sheer acreage and use of irrigation across the place. You then step across to the cowherd which is the backbone of the genetics side of the Wulf Cattle business and it is a very practical and functional cowherd. The sire power is another wow moment with many breed leading young sires present, bulls such as Wulfs Xtractor. The seedstock development lot I found very interesting and i must say the innovation that Wulf Cattle is showing by having pens set up with GrowSafe (a feed intake and conversion measuring system) is quite remarkable. going though the pens again the quality of the calves and list of sires alone is enough to blow you away. i must say a very greatly enjoyed morning. Thankyou once again to the Wulf Cattle crew especially Casey and Ross.


During some poor weather i took the time to lie low and catch up with Tim Anderson. The couple of days I spent at South Dakota State University was a lot of fun and i must say i enjoyed getting out f the cold and snow and of the roads for a few days. Thanks to Tim and his buddies(mates) for your hospitality and a good couple of days.

Lindskov Theil Ranch

I am really glad I took the time to visit the Lindskov Theil operation. Despite the cold weather they had a great line of cattle, a super consistent cowherd and a real direction behind the operation trying to add value to there clients enterprises and to the beef industry. I found Brent to be a truly inspirational man and i really enjoyed his thought process and perspective of the beef industry.

Friday 6 December 2013

Schaff Angus Valley

What a great line of bull calves! Very well presented and very consistent.  Bulls are grown out and prepared for sale in their sire groups which was a fantastic way to look through and appreciate a sire group. Bulls are also sold in sire groups allowing commercial clients to put together a draft of brothers to hopefully have a more consistant calf crop. Schaff's sale is in early February and consists of 500 bulls and 200 yearling heifers. Thankyou to Kelly and his team.

Hager Cattle Company

A fantastic weekend was spent at Hager Cattle Company at Karlsruhe, ND. Was very impressed by the operation which is becoming more limflex based, however, a great type of cattle. For a young operation the quality and consistency of cow herd is commendable. And the sire groups in the calves were great to see and definitely made me look twice. Thankyou to Austin, Leah and family for your hospitality.

Symens Bros Limousin

I Friday November 29th I had the opportunity to stop in and visit Symens Bros Limousin at Amherst, SD. It was a good day and a good oppurtunity to see genetics that are not as of yet heavily used in Australia. There was definitely some good cows there and a fantastic calf crop to look over and appreciate. Thankyou to John and the whole family for the oppurtunity.

Wulf Cattle

Whilst in the United States I have had the oppurtunity to visit some very notable beef seedstock operations, one of these being Wulf Cattle. I must thank Jerry and his team for allowing me the oppurtunity, giving me the time to show me around, being upfront and honest with me and allowing me the privledge to quiz them about the operation. Thus far I have toured the Morris, MN cow herd and feedlot, as well as the Wulfs depot and Golden Hills ranch in South Dakota. I plan to also tour Sandy Ridge ranch in Nebraska.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Ivy Livestock

A fantastic few days spent with the Hertz family of Ivy Livestock Duchess, AB, and i must admit i didnt really want to leave. Thank you to Rick and Mary and family for your wonderful hospitality it truly was fantastic. Seen some awesome cattle with some real commercial relevance, but more then that it was the recreational activities such as sorting cattle, selling bulls, butchering venison, making 30 liters of bbq marinade, going to a hockey game, and visiting a massive local feedlot. Thankyou once again.

Harvie Ranching, Highland Stock Farm

Over the last few days I have been staying with the Harvies of Harvie Ranching, Olds AB. it was definitely a positive to experience how a family work together to aid in the growth and development of their enterprise. The Harvies breed Poll Herefords, Charolais, and Simmentals and do a fantastic job of keeping all three breeds with a pint f difference and relevant to the beef industry. Whilst stay at Harvie Ranching i had the opportunity to visit with Limousin breeders Tim and Kim Matthews of Highland Stock Farms, their enterprise is very interesting having a high percentage of black breeders and also an extensive limflex program.

Sunday 17 November 2013

RBC Beef Supreme

Saturday 16th November seen the conclusion of Agribition and the Canadian show season with the RBC beef supreme where not only the champions from Agribitin compete but champions from 18 shows across North America are invited to compete. The spectifcal is truly amazing with 36 cow calf pairs and 36 bulls all competing for the title. The female section was won by CK Charolais, Texas, and the bull was won by Redrich Farms, Alberta. Agribition results can be found

Saturday 16 November 2013


Agribition is a great event with lots of things on other then the cattle show, there is a rodeo, a display of farm and ranching equipment, and a massive learning opportunity for city folk to learn about agriculture and how important it is. The cattle side of things is jam packed with excitement with judging and sales running from Wednesday until Friday. Agribition's showing of cattle is greater in terms of both quanitity and quality when compared with Farmfair. i have spent the last 3 days watching a lot of high quality judging across a range of breeds and attending breed sales which have been strong offerings and receiving a lot of support.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Greenwood Limousin, Rancier Farms, Sparrow Farms

Over the last two days traveling from Edmonton to Regina for Agribition I visited three seedstock enterprises. These being Greenwood Limousin, Rancier Farms, and Sparrow Farms.
The first visit was to Rancier Farms a purebred Simmental operation, by who's cattle were very impressive. Rancier show quite extensively and use AI and ET a great deal. the quality of some of their cows was quite amazing to be honest. Rancier market their cattle via multi-vendor sales.

Greenwood Limousin was very interesting they run approx 150 purebred cows they AI extensively and do some ET. Their young cow herd was great to see. There was definitely a lot of potential in the bull and heifer calves, as well as sale and show stock. Greenwood sell bulk of their bulls private treaty with select bulls and females sold at multi-vendor sales.

Sparrow Farms is a purebred Charolais enterprise running approx 180 cows, they utilize AI however this is generally to bulls that are herd sires at Sparrow. They do a small amount of ET work with donors that have proven themselves over many years. Sparrow do not show and run an annual bull sale in march selling 60 bulls.

Thankyou to Garth and Ang, Scott and Jackie, and Cam and Kerrie for the opportunity to tour your herds and your fantastic hospitality.